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"Page 4" holds content exclusive to the website of the Attleboro Democracy. Make sure to check back frequently for more content.

APRIL 1, 2013

Why Do Baseball Players Get Paid So Much?

by Andrew Meehan

The first part in this new "Economics of Baseball" mini-series shows why professional baseball players get paid so much - and why in some ways, they're really worth it.

April 2013

MARCH 1, 2013


"The Boehner Pad" : Reducing the Deficit

Featuring Speaker of the House John Boehner

Speaker of the House John Boehner explains from the Boehner Pad how President Obama's plan to solve the deficit will lead to penultimate disaster - including fire, plague, and famine. 

MARCH 5, 2013


How We Mess Up How We Look at History
by Andrew Meehan

There are three main ways of looking at history - and we tend to combine them in ways that don't make sense. ♦

MARCH 6, 2013

Why Do We Get Mid-Latitude Cyclones?

by Kevin Christensen​


With another snowstorm on the way, we look at what causes all these storms in the first place.♦

MARCH 8, 2013

​ Method to Our Madness: Science and Philosophy

by Zebb Duffany


We tend to use science as the means of making up our minds on things - but there are some things science can't help us understand.

MARCH 15, 2013

​John Boehner Cries... Just A Little

Featuring Speaker of the House John Boehner


In this week's Boehner Pad, Speaker of the House John Boehner describes why he so often cries in public.

MARCH 15, 2013

The Death of Socrates by Jacques Louis-David

On the Coattails of Giants: What Happens When You Don't Think For Yourself
by Zebb Duffany

If you really want to reach for the truth, you'll have to learn to not take the words of great men as dogma.

MARCH 18, 2013

Vote Markey, Help Warren
by Lee Harrison

Why Massachusetts progressives should follow up the election of Elizabeth Warren by supporting Congressman Ed Markey's bid for the United States Senate.​

MARCH 20, 2013

The Attleboro Democracy Spring Preview
by Andrew Meehan

The Editor of the Attleboro Democracy recaps the highlights of the winter's contents, and gives a preview of what to look forward to this spring - if spring ever actually comes that is.

The Common Man’s Candidate
by Thomas Ashe

The right man to replace John Kerry as Senator from Massachusetts will truly represent the working class - because he's a lifetime member.

MARCH 25, 2013

March 2013

FEBRUARY 11, 2013

Why Leave the Arena?
​by Andrew Meehan

After declaring he wasn't running for the United States Senate again, Scott Brown is rumored to be headed to TV instead. ♦

FEBRUARY 6, 2013

"Keeping Kids Safe"

A.D. contributor and Attleboro state representative Paul Heroux hosted a forum on keeping children safe in our community. Here's a quick peek. ♦

FEBRUARY 4, 2013

Skyfall, James Bond, and the Threats of the Future

by Andrew Meehan



How the latest Bond film highlights the future national security threats the world faces. ♦

FEBRUARY 20, 2013

The So-Called "Mentally Ill" Deserve Better

by Paul Heroux


Why our society's mentally ill need to be focused on more effectively - and more compassionately.  ♦

Thomas Rowlandson's "The Maniac"

FEBRUARY 19, 2013

Attleboro’s Banana Joe Wins Westminster Dog Show!

Attleboro native and affenpinscher

is anointed the canine prize. ♦

FEBRUARY 19, 2013

Why Do Presidents Get All the Fun?
​by Andrew Meehan

The Presidents of the United States are so cherished that they get their own holiday. But do we care about our Presidents way too much? ♦

FEBRUARY 25, 2013

Oscar the Grouch: How the Academy Awards Ignores the Movies Americans Love

by Andrew Meehan

The movies the country went out to see last year were, like usual, nowhere to found during cinema's greatest yearly ceremony.

Loki in Marvel's The Avengers (Marvel Studios)

February 2013

FEBRUARY 28, 2013


"That Might Be True for You, But Not for Me"

by Zebb Duffany

How relativism (and our fear of offending people), is ruining our country's rational discourse.

Raphael's School of Athens

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